Fire Log Pose

Agnistambasana (Fire Log Pose) in Sanskrit means Agni - fire; stamba - log, and because the arrangement of the legs in this asana is reminiscent of logs in a campfire - hence its name. This pose is great for opening the hips (especially for pregnant women). This pose can be good preparation for the Half Lotus pose, because of its similarity.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position on the edge of a pillow or a folded blanket. The back is straight, and the chest is open.

2. Inhale and place one ankle over the opposite knee. Then place the other ankle (bottom ankle) under its opposite knee.

3. Depending on the flexion of the hips, try to keep your legs exactly on top of each other and lower your right knee to your left foot. If this is not yet possible for you, leave space between your lower legs. If your right knee sticks out a lot, you can try to press it a little with your hands.

4. Advanced exercisers can rest their chest on their lower legs and extend their arms to the floor in front of them. You should not bend your back but bend your hips. Stay a few inhales and exhales (or a few minutes) in that position.

5. Repeat the position by changing the position of the legs.


Physical benefits from Agnistambasana: stretches and opens the hips, and stretches the groins.

Mental benefits from Agnistambasana: calms the mind.

You should avoid this pose if you have lower back injuries.

Regular practice of this pose affects Muladhara (Root) Chakra.


Yoga Handstand