Dolphin Pose

Ardha Pincha Mayurasana (Dolphin Pose or Half Feathered Peacock) in Sanskrit means ardha – half, pincha – feather, and mayur – peacock.

This pose is very similar to the Downward-Facing Dog, with the difference that instead of the palms, here you rely on the forearms. This pose strongly opens the shoulders, upper back, stretches the spine, hamstrings, and strengthens the abdominal muscles. It also expels negative energy and completely relieves the body of stress.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Take the position of a ‘leaning table’ with your elbows and knees on the floor. Keep your knees just below your hips and your shoulders above your elbows.

2. Bend your toes and lift your knees off the floor. First, keep your knees slightly bent and your heels raised off the ground. Now extend your legs and push the tailbone towards the ceiling and lower your heels as low as possible to the floor.

3. Continue actively pressing your upper arms towards the floor. Keep your head between your shoulders.

4. Now, try to straighten your legs if you can but if it requires you to bend your back too much then leave them a little bent as well.

5. Remain in position for 30 seconds to one minute and, with the exhale, get down on your knees.


Physical benefits from Ardha Pincha Mayurasana: stretches the shoulders; stretches the arms and legs; helps relieve menopausal symptoms and menstrual discomfort; improves digestion.

Mental benefits from Ardha Pincha Mayurasana: calms the mind, relieves stress and helps against mild depression.

You should avoid this pose if you have neck or shoulder injuries.

Regular practice of this pose affects Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra.


Standing Half Forward Bend


Half Lord of the Fishes Pose