Shoulder Pressing Pose

Bhujapidasana (Shoulder Pressing Pose) in Sanskrit means bhuja – shoulder or arm; pida – pressure. This pose combines elements of balance and good hip flexibility. Also, requires a lot of upper body strength, because the weight of the whole body relies on the arms, and flexibility in the legs.

This can seem like a quite challenging yoga pose, and it may look pretty difficult, but if you do it right, it can be very easy.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Exhale, straighten your spine, and as you inhale - squat with your feet apart as much as possible.

2. Place your hands on the ground slightly bending your elbows.

3. Inhaling, walk towards your hands so that your feet are in front of your hands. Then, let your arms go through your legs and press them behind your calves.

4. Move the right leg forward and wrap it around your right arm, and move the left leg forward and wrap it around your left arm (as if you are hugging your arms with your legs). Cross your right ankle over your left.

5. Bring your feet closer and lift them off the floor, while the buttock goes lower towards the ground. Put all weight equally onto the hands. Hold the head up, looking forward. Lowering your head will cause a leaning forward and loss of balance.

6. Try to keep the balance and stay for five breaths. To get out of Bhudjapidasana, lower your feet to the floor, spreading your legs to the side, or just sit down.


Physical benefits from Bhujapidasana: strengthen the muscles; strengthens the core, arms, shoulders, and joints; increases flexibility; improves blood circulation; cleanses the abdominal organs.

Mental benefits from Bhujapidasana: energizes; improves concentration and focus.

You should avoid this pose if you have: injury on the wrist, elbows, lower back, or shoulder injury; blood pressure; cervical spondylosis; if you are pregnant.

Regular practice of this pose affects Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra.


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