Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) in Sanskrit means chatur - four, anga - limbs, danda - a stick. This pose strengthens and prepares the body for more advanced asanas.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Lie on your stomach, bend your elbows, and place your palms on the ground, next to your chest.

2. Separate the feet a little (by the length of one foot) and fold the toes.

3. With the inhale, pull in the lower part of the abdomen, press the palms to the ground and lift the whole torso a few centimeters from the ground so that you balance only on the hands and toes. Bend your elbows at a 90-degree angle so that they lie parallel to each side of your body.

In the lighter variation, you fully extend the elbows as if you were in the starting position for push-ups.

4. Keep the body firm as a stick and in one line, parallel to the ground from head to toe. Keep the head in a neutral position looking at the ground or lift it slightly and look forward, but remember not to put pressure on the back of the neck.

5. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds, breathing in it deeply and extended. With the exhale, lower the body to the ground, stretch your arms and legs and relax.

This asana requires a lot of muscular effort, and because of that is harder for beginners until their arm, shoulder, and back muscles are strengthened.

 If it is too difficult to hold the position, you can lower your knees to the floor, but if you find it too easy, lift one leg.


Physical benefits from Chaturanga Dandasana: strengthens arms and wrists; tones abdominal muscles; develops mobility and strength; it increases endurance and strengthens the whole body.

Mental benefits from Chaturanga Dandasana: calms the mind, improves concentration and awareness of the body.

You should avoid this pose if you have: carpal tunnel syndrome and during pregnancy.

Regular practice of this pose affects Manipura (Solar Plexus) Chakra.


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