Wild Thing Pose

Camatkarasana (Wild Thing Pose) in Sanskrit the word Camatkara means surprise or miracle.

This pose belongs to the more demanding poses and requires some experience in exercise. This pose is a fun pose that works on the openness of the shoulders and hips and preparation for more difficult asanas. Although the wild thing is not an animal itself, it symbolizes a free and unbridled spirit that longs to express itself. Therefore, we express it through Camatkarasana.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Take the position of the side plank, from regular plank transition into the side plank - put the outer edge of the foot on the floor, the palm below the shoulder, the torso in the air.

2. next, step back with your upper foot and stay on your toes pushing off the floor lifting your pelvis.

3. Open the chest and upper shoulder, and round with the upper arm backward opening the chest even more.

4. Actively push your lower palm against the floor to emphasize the opening of the chest.

5. Тhe gaze is directed upwards. Try to stay in this pose for at least one minute, then repeat everything on the other side.


Physical benefits from Camatkarasana: opens and stretches the chest; opens the lungs; strengthens the back and the shoulder; improves digestion; improves blood circulation; improves flexibility; improves balance.

Mental benefits from Camatkarasana: energizes; reduces fatigue and stress; helps against mild depression and anxiety; improves concentration.

You should avoid this pose if you have: high or low blood pressure; carpal tunnel syndrome; wrists, elbows, or back injury.

Regular practice of this pose affects Anahata (Heart) Chakra and Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra.


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