Happy baby pose

Ananda Balasana (Happy baby pose), as you can guess, it got its name from its resemblance to the pose that babies make when they are happy. This is a very comfortable position that will gently help open the hips, stretch the groin and back.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Lie on your back and with your exhale bend your legs at the knees and draw your thighs to your stomach.

2. Inhale, grasp the outside of the foot with your fists. Open your knees to the width of your torso and bring your knees to your armpits.

3. Place the ankles directly above the knees, vertical to the floor. Now relax your hips and pull your hands (feet) to the ground. Don't resist with your feet.

4. While pulling your thighs and knees towards the torso and the ground, lengthen your spine and neck.

5. Hold the position for half to one minute. Then stretch your legs back to the floor and breathe.

The 5 min position of the "happy baby" may seem blissful, but if the hips are stiff, the baby will not be so happy. And by the way, babies can lower their knees to the ground, but we 'rust' over the years, so we do not really succeed in doing that so easily.


Physical benefits from Ananda Balasana: stretches the hips; stretches the groin and lower spine; massages the organs of the lower abdomen.

Mental benefits from Ananda Balasana: calms the mind, and relieves stress and weakness.

You should avoid this pose if you have a knee injury, or if you are pregnant.

Regular practice of this pose affects Muladhara (Root) Chakra and Svadisthana (Sacral) Chakra.


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