Sphinx Pose

Ardha Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose) in Sanskrit means: ardha - half, bhujanga - cobra or snake. This pose is a heart-opening pose, very similar to the Cobra Pose with the slight difference that here you rely on the forearms. The Sphinx Pose is easy to implement and allows you to relax completely.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Lie on your stomach with your legs outstretched, feet hip-width apart.

2. Inhale, lift your torso from the floor, and lean on your elbows. Keep the elbows shoulder-width apart, and your forearms parallel.

3. Lightly press the floor with the upper part of the feet, and press forward with the hips. Do not detach from the floor, as this will not stretch the spine.

4. For a more comfortable variant, put pads under the elbows. Take a deep breath and relax.

5. Keep your head held high. Relax your shoulders. Stay in the position for 3 to 5 minutes.

6. If you feel tension somewhere in your body, consciously direct your breath to that area.

Exhale and slowly get out of position by lowering your chest to the floor.


Physical benefits from Ardha Bhijangasana: strengthens the spine; opens the chest and the low back; opens the lungs and shoulders; lengthens the abdominal muscles.

Mental benefits from Ardha Bhijangasana: reduces the symptoms of depression, and rejuvenates the body.

You should avoid this pose if you have: a back, arm, or shoulder injury, or if you are pregnant.

Regular practice of this pose affects Anahata (Heart) Chakra.


Half Moon Pose


Half Frog Pose