Half Frog Pose

Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose) in Sanskrit means: ardha - half, manduka - frog. After a hard day of work and sitting in front of the computer, Ardha Bhekasana is a great pose that will help you to relax and stretch your muscles.

How to do it (step-by-step)

1. Lie on your stomach, leaning on the front of your arms, keeping your elbows under your shoulders. Retract the abdomen, while the pubic part of the body remains on the surface on which you exercise.

2. The left forearm is in front of the body. Bend your right knee and hold the top of your foot with your right hand. Pull your leg slightly towards the outside of your right hip.

3. Relax the right thigh and turn the toes forward as much as possible, slightly lifting the right side of the body forward.

4. All the time during the exercise, focus on inhaling and exhaling. Stay in this position as long as possible, then, repeat everything with your left leg.


Physical benefits from Ardha Bhekasana: relaxes the muscles of the thighs and quadriceps; increases the flexibility of the back muscles; strengthens all the muscles of the hips and legs; increases circulation in the legs; helps with back pain; improves metabolism, digestion, and removes toxins.

Mental benefits from Ardha Bhekasana: improves focus; reduces stress; strengthens self-confidence; helps against depression.

You should avoid this pose if you are pregnant or have a serious back, hips, or knee injury.

Regular practice of this pose affects Svadisthana (Sacral) Chakra.


Sphinx Pose


Crescent Lunge Pose